what if...

How often do you say What if...?


What if you hadn't done this and that in the past? 


What if you had done this and that in the past? 


What if I had a time machine? Where and when would I choose to go?




When kids say What if...they are thinking about the future. 


They believe in possibility. 


What if I had wings...What if I were a bird...What if I could fly in the sky...


What if I had a time machine and time travel to the future...


What if I could be a professional baseball player in the future...


However, when adults say What if...they are thinking about the past. 


It's all about what they did in the past and what they regret about what they did in the past. 


What if I hadn't done this and that in the past...


What if I had done this and that in the past...


The reality is here...no where but here. 


When you say What if...you are negating the reality. 


I don't like that. 


No matter how your reality is...what you have and where you stand at now...is your reality. And you have to accept that and keep going on. 


Like when you were a kid, just keep on heading forward...