

うちの母がなんとなく言った言葉。 「あんたたちは嫌な時代に生きてるよね。これからどうなるのかねえ」 まるで他人事であるかのような口調。まるで自分たちの時代は既に終わってしまったかのような言い方。 まあそれはいいとして。 私たちが嫌な時代に生き…

It's not clear enough in this picture, but I saw a rainbow on my way to school this morning. Rainbow...What I remember about rainbow... When I was in junior high, around summer if I remember correctly, our baseball team was about to have a…

Question for you

This is a question mainly for westerners( if there's any westerner reading this blog...). Imagine if you have quited your old job and tomorrow is your first day at your new job. You've decided to wake up early tomorrow morning so that you …


Imagine when you visit your hometown for the first time in 20 years, you find out that so many things have changed and it doesn't look like your home town anymore. Quite a few houses you had walked by everyday on your way to school have al…